Teaching Your Brain to Knit
Brainy Thing:   16:06    Behind the Redwood Curtain:  24:40
What We’re Learning from our Knitting:
Margaret explores the planning/creative phase of a project with Lea Redman's  Knit the Sky Scarf   http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/sky-scarf.  Redman also has a book called Knit the Sky that promotes creativity and playfulness in knitting.  http://www.knitthesky.com/  book  Margaret heard of Lea Redman through Becky Steward's  Knit Om newsletter.  http://knitom.com/author/becky-stewart/
Catherine declares that she is fine being a slow knitter (and later in the episode that she is also fine being a slow reader.)  She is continuing her progress on charity socks  https://northcoastknittery.com/blogs/shop-tidbits/socks-for-the-homeless  sponsored by Northcoast Knittery and on Bunnymuff’s Fatima Shawl.
continuing Fatima shawl
Brainy thing: Kwik Learning
Turning on  you superpower brain with Jim Kwik episode of Srini Rao on the Unmistakeable Creative Podcast.  https://unmistakablecreative.com/podcast
Jim Kwik’s podcast:  Kwik Brain:  Memory Improvement Accelerated Learning
Kwik Brain:  Memory Improvement Accelearated Learning https://kwikbrain.com/podcast
Kwik Learning website:  https://kwiklearning.com/
Behind the Redwood Curtain:
Knitting Tip:
Dealing with ladders that are created in the round knitting.
Links for Podcast:
website https://teachingyourbraintoknit.com/ for show notes, photos of our knitting and crochet projects, Behind the Redwood Curtain places and things and anything else we decide to post.
In this episode of Teaching Your Brain to Knit, Read and learn Kwikly using Jim Kwik’s methods and tips;  Follow Margaret’s process and stumbles planning a new project — Knit the Sky;  Listen to Catherine “Embrace the Slow” with Charity Socks;  Drive through giant redwood trees;  and get a tip on dealing with ladders knitting in the round.