Teaching Your Brain to Knit
Today on Teaching Your Brain to Knit,  a special episode-long interview with Stan Vanella, a  local Humboldt biofeedback practitioner.  So, no knitting, no crocheting, no Behind the Redwood Curtain, but an information packed introduction to Neurofeedback.  All of our other segments will return next episode.
Stan defines Neurofeedback and distinguishes between Neurofeedback and biofeedback.
Stan Mentions the App Belly Bio,  an Apple App that measures your breathing.
If you’re looking for a Bio/Neurofeedback practitionner, the International Society for Neurofeedback and Research ISNR) and the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance both have lists of practioners.  
You also might want to check out:  
https://www.isnr.org/neurofeedback-introduction   International Society for Neurofeedback and Research's  short video  introduction and some introductory articles.
Thanks again to Stan Vanella for giving us an introduction to Neurofeedback.  Next episode, we will return to our regular format where Catherine and I talk about what we’re learning from our knitting and sometimes crochet;  present a segment on learning, teaching or the brain;  share something about Behind the Redwood Curtain in  Northern Coastal California area and offer a knitting tip.  You can subscribe to our podcast on itunes, on the Podcast app on your apple smart phone or on the Stitcher app on android phone devices.